Happy belated birthday celebration wif Lihao!!!

Lesson as usual, 10am lesson.. After sch went to tp open house wif lh and ch, after tat headed to tamp mall to buy martell and table cloth. Going to hav a moon tanned after tat also celebrate lihao belated birthday.. Back home get prepared everything and headed to cwp to buy birthday cake for Lihao. Meet ch tgt go my wrk place to take few cakes as they wanted to eat, after tat rush down to east coast to meet them.. Reach there meet them and find a gd location to start our pinic, Do the setup and buy ice and here come our pinic. Bet everyone was hungry.. Eat nonstop. Got sushi, cakes, fruit, snack, drink and of cos martell.. Drink drink drink and guess some of them r drunk.. Until around 3am feel sleepy and lying down at the beach to see star and aeroplane and also let my eye rest. Also talk and have some gossip. Lolz.. Until around 5am plus went to mac as we felt tat it going rain soon. Went to mac and play poker game till around 6.45am went back to the beach to see sunrise.. After tat back home, reach home at 9am and had a quick bath and time to slp, had wrk at 5pm and i was overslept. Wake up at 3.30pm and late for wrk.
Had a enjoyable nite at east coast..
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