I HATE DOING THE TREATMENT. It painful.. 2mth treatment le. Next week is my 9th treatment.
Today went for my feet treatment, and the nurse told me, i still nid to go one more treatment. Hopefully tis time is true.. Last time i see, the doctor told me to go 4 treatment session. But due to my feet hav not recover during the 4th session. They had extend my treatment. Next week is my 9th week treatment.. Arrrrrgggghhhh.. Painful treatment. Actually i also dunno hw come my feet like tat. But tat time doctor told me i could be infected by something. But.... I dunno la.
Went to skin centre website to find more info abt my feet thingy. And make me more scare and worried.. Arrrghh.
Viral Warts
Warts are harmless skin growths caused by a virus. They can grow on any part of the body, like on the face, along the forearms or on the finger. Warts have a rough surface on which tiny, dark dots can often be seen. On pressure areas like the palms or the soles, they appear flat. Warts on the sole (called plantar warts) grow inward from the pressure of standing and walking and are often painful.
They may bleed if injured. Warts are contagious, and may spread from one part of the body to another or to other children. There is no way to prevent warts.
Warts often disappear by themselves, especially in young children. This spontaneous disappearance is less common in older children and adults.
This can be done by surgery, laser ablation, electrocautery (destroying with a weak current), by freezing (with liquid nitrogen) or with chemicals like salicylic acid. The treatment to be used depends on the location and size of the warts and the judgement of the dermatologist.
No matter what treatment is used, warts occasionally fail to disappear. They may return weeks or even months after an apparent cure. Don't be concerned if a wart recurs; just consult your dermatologist for further therapy. The treatment may be repeated, or a different method may be used to get rid of the warts.
Liquid Nitrogen Treatment ( im using tis type of treatment.)
Liquid nitrogen treatment (cryotherapy) is the commonest treatment method for warts. Your wart and the surrounding skin can be treated with liquid nitrogen, a very cold substance..Liquid nitrogen, when applied to the skin, usually results in blister formation similar to a burn. The wart is lifted and it will fall off when the blister dries. You may experience some pain which should be easily controlled with simple pain killers
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